Where's Rev on Windows XP?

Ken Norris (dialup) pixelbird at interisland.net
Wed Jul 24 10:00:01 EDT 2002

on 7/23/02 8:45 PM, pixelbird at interisland.net at pixelbird at interisland.net

> Hi list,
> I just D/L'd and installed Rev in Windows, but all that's
> in the folder is the install wizard. When I click on it,
> it keeps wanting to modify the setup or something. I can't
> find and am unable to open Rev. All a search shows is what
> I just mentioned.
> Anyone know what's going on?
OOPS! Never mind, I found it when I closed everything. Funny the search
engine didn't show me where it was, though.

Best regards,
Ken N.

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