Profile Manager

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto jeanne at
Sun Jul 21 01:41:32 EDT 2002

At 1:20 PM -0700 7/15/2002, Wolfgang M. Bereuter wrote:
>Is there any way to set up a profile (change the fontsize for windows from
>10 to 12) for each object with a script for all cards in the stack?

You can use the undocumented commands revSetCardProfile (which sets the
profile of all objects on a card), revSetStackProfile (all objects in a
stack), or revSetStackFileProfile (all objects in the stacks of a stack
file). The syntax is:

revSetCardProfile profileName, stackName -- current card of that stack
revSetStackProfile profileName, stackName
revSetStackFileProfile profileName, stackName -- all stacks in same file

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at
Runtime Revolution Limited - The Solution for Software Development

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