play player on openCard

Terry Judd tsj at
Wed Jan 16 23:38:01 EST 2002

OK, so I finally managed to find out how to play a player object 
(couldn't locate the relevant info in the transcript dictionary) but 
now I'm having trouble getting it to play in an openCard handler. It 
seems my problem stems from the fact that I'm using a lock and unlock 
screen for the card to card transition. If I remove this, the player 
plays just fine - with it, nothing happens. Is there any way to work 
around this?


As an aside, despite indications to the contrary in the Transcript 
dictionary, issuing a play vidioClip playerName command seems to 
work. Why?

Dr Terry Judd

Lecturer in Instructional Design / Multimedia Developer
Biomedical Multimedia Unit
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences
The University of Melbourne
Email: t.judd at
Phone: 03 9344 0187
Fax: 03 9344 4998

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