New Fields

Ken Norris pixelbird at
Sat Jan 12 06:48:01 EST 2002

on 1/11/02 12:52 AM, Barlow Frank at Frank.Barlow at wrote:

> Now I don't create a new stack very often and the memory dims!
> But I had a little script in HyperCard to create New Fields and New Buttons.
> Something like
> On myFields
> repeat 10 times
> doMenuItem "New Field" of Menu "Tools"
> end repeat
> end myFields
Not sure about RR, but in HyperTalk:

on myFields
  repeat 10 times
    choose field tool
    doMenu "New Field"
  end repeat
end myFields

...should work, but it will layer all 10 fields in the same spot in the
middle of the screen. Again, I'm not sure about RR, but in HC, If you are
using a Mac, it would probably be just as easy to choose the field tool,
make a New Field and then just use the Option/click trick to make new ones,
dragging them wherever you like. But, that depends on your purpose for
making the new fields. Is your handler just to save time making new fields,
or does it serve another scripting purpose? Also, if the latter, you could
script where you want them to go using the 'loc' command, or locate and size
them using the 'rect' command, but if the former, you could do the same
thing, but I bet doing it with the Option/click method will be faster than
writing and executing a script.

HTH, yours truly,

Ken N.

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