Problem with Launch Command

William T. Simmons tsimmons at
Wed Feb 20 23:19:01 EST 2002

I haven't had time to test this, but just to give you a possible idea to
use, try adding appropriate scripts to a substack and a main stack to do the
following:  1) open Acrobat Reader from the substack (perhaps a splash
screen stack), 2) open your main stack, 3) close the substack, and then 4)
use launch commands from the main stack to open multiple PDFs within the
existing instance of Acrobat Reader. It seems to me that using the substack
in that way would be the equivalent of opening the reader outside of the
stack from which you're going to be launching the multiple PDFs. I'm sure
you'd have to close the substack first in order to achieve that effect. I'd
be interested in hearing whether that route works for you.
Tommy Simmons
Employment Law Advisory Network

----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Reid" <preid at>
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 5:02 PM
Subject: Problem with Launch Command

> I'm trying to open Acrobat files from my stack developed using Rev
> 1.1.1B1 on a Mac.
> If I open Acrobat Reader outside of my stack and then get my stack to
> open a series of Acrobat files using the "launch xxx.pdf with
> gAcroReader" command, then everything works fine; each file opens as
> a new window inside the currently running Acrobat Reader.  However,
> if the reader is not running initially, then opening the first
> Acrobat file within my stack by using the "launch" command causes it
> to refuse to open any more Acrobat files until the original Reader is
> "killed" and then a new invocation is run using the next "launch"
> command.
> This is NOT what I want as it means the user waiting for the Acrobat
> Reader to be "killed" and then relaunched for each document.  Also,
> it means the user can't have more than one Acrobat document open at
> the same time.
> Any suggestions as to how I overcome this problem?
> Cheers
> Peter
> --
> Peter Reid
> Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
> Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)870 052 7576
> E-mail: preid at
> Web:

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