groups and background

Dar Scott dsc at
Fri Dec 20 03:25:01 EST 2002

On Friday, December 20, 2002, at 12:50 AM, UDI wrote:

> Sorry, I made a mistake.

Then ignore my comments that crossed in the mail.
> All bg is unrelated, and control on card:
>    control --> card --> bg4 |
>                         bg3 |
>                         bg2 v
>                         bg1 --> stack
> All bg is unrelated, and control is included in bg3:
>                bg4 ( no message )
>    control --> bg3 --> card --> stack
>                bg2 ( no message )
>                bg1 ( no message )

I guess the idea is that if a control is in a group, even a background 
group, it is in the environment of that group or groups.  But if the 
control is directly on the card it is in the environment of the card as 
modified by background groups.

Even so, I am not able to rationalize why groups on the card or nested 
groups and controls within those do not have a message path like the 
first case.

Dar Scott

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