Export from a field and fonts

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 9 07:28:01 EST 2002

--- Michael Kristensen <michael-kristensen at dsa-net.dk>
> Hi all
> When I export text from a field I end up with the
> Monaco font (Mac).
> How to avoid that?
> Kind regards
> Michael Kristensen

Hi Michael,

When you use something like :
  put field "foo" into URL ("file:"&path&"bar.txt")
then that is internally equivalent to :
  put the text of field "foo" into URL \
and as you know, there's no styling in a text file.

RunRev version 2.0 will have the ability to export the
RTFText of a field.

In the meantime you can bypass this limitation by
exporting to an HTML file:

  put "<HTML><BODY>" & return into tHeader
  put the htmlText of field "foo" into tBody
  put return & "</BODY></HTML> into tFooter
  put tHeader & tBody & tFooter into URL \

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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