lock messages (was send ___ to me in ___ sec)

Dar Scott dsc at swcp.com
Thu Apr 25 18:00:01 EDT 2002

I couldn't figure out why my tests didn't jive with Jan's experience...

On Thursday, April 25, 2002, at 11:35 AM, Dar Scott wrote:

> I then inserted a wait...with messages.  That worked as it would 
> without the lock.  The lock seems to have no effect on that as far 
> as my testing went.

I exercised this some more.  That is not quite right.  A non-zero 
"wait...with messages" within a lock-unlock of messages will allow 
sent messages, but will consume and throw away gui events even 
those generated before the lock.  Events that come in after the 
"wait...with messages" will evoke handlers.

Jan, perhaps this is what you have seen.

(I'm on OS X.)

There is a way this makes sense.  Perhaps evoking handlers in "go" 
and "delete card" is somehow the same as evoking handlers when 
processing events.  Processing events right after the mouseUp 
handler in my test is outside the lock, so those were not 
affected.  Even so, this is a surprise to me.

> So, for the version of Revolution that I'm using, the Revolution 
> documentation has the right description.  Perhaps there have been 
> some changes along the way.

So, assuming the behavior I'm describing is the correct one and I 
haven't erred in my tests, then, the description is missing the 
interaction with "wait...with messages".

Dar Scott

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