Check Menu Items?

Rick Harrison harrison at
Sun Apr 21 23:35:01 EDT 2002

on 4/21/2002 1:22 PM, Ken Ray at kray at wrote:
> You need to do this manually by removing the !c when the menu item is
> selected, and then putting it back in when it is selected again.
> Here's an example:
> on menuPick
> put the menuHistory of me into tSelection
> put me into tMenuItems
> if char 1 to 2 of line tSelection of tMenuItems = "!c" then
> delete char 1 to 2 of line tSelection of tMenuItems
> else
> put "!c" before line tSelection of tMenuItems
> end if
> put tMenuItems into me
> end menuPick


Thanks for the code snippet.

It didn't quite work for me the way I wanted it to,
but it was enough of a start that I was able to
work out the rest of the solution for myself.  I was
running into a problem where it was giving me just
the previous item selected and not the current one

Thanks again,

Rick Harrison

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