Compacting stacks and todays' newbie question

Michael Foy mike at
Wed Apr 17 08:06:01 EDT 2002

in HC when you delete cards etc, you had to compact a stack, I take it this
is not the case with Rev?

secondly, I have read the bits in the TD about

open file "fred.txt" for read

which is used in conjuction with
read  from file "fred.txt" until EOF

and I know IT is filled with the records, is that all at once? or do I put
the read in a loop

the problem I am trying to solve is to read the file (I have one card per
record) and I propose to  put each record into a field (call it field1) of
each card

so is this correct (well I know it isn'tbut am I close?)

put "fred.txt" into filename

open file filename for read
put 1 into i
    read from file filename until EOF
    put it into field field1 of card i
end repeat
close file filename



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