Jeanne...revAppVersion doesn't work?

Ken Norris (dialup) pixelbird at
Sat Apr 6 19:48:01 EST 2002

on 4/6/02 3:41 PM, Chipp Walters at chipp at wrote:

> I checked out the latest version, and you are indeed correct. The apostrophe
> problem is not there. It appears even though I installed the RR1.1.1 do a
> different folder, it still used the help files (and the IDE?) from the older
> installation (probably a registy thing). In any case, I updated my RevCorral
> plugin ( to now
> display RevAppVersion(),Version(), and BuildNumber() on startup so I'll know
> what I'm working with!
Since all my Rev stack files are outside the main Rev folder, would it be
recommended to trash the folder before I DL the new version (my poor little
drive is getting very full)?

BTW, I added a new SanDisk reader and a 128 mb flash card to use as Virtual
Memory in my PB 1400. I can't get the Memory control panel to show anything
but the HD, but yet it appears to be being used as such anyway. Any thoughts
what might be happening with that?

Ken N.

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