Listing AudioClips in a stack

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto jeanne at
Sat Dec 29 23:12:17 EST 2001

At 2:55 PM -0800 12/28/2001, Mike Brown wrote:
>Does anybody know a method for viewing or calling up a list of all the
>audioclips in a stack?  I need a script that will do this from within my
>project (Not The Application Overview).

function listOfAudioClips
  put empty into clipsList
  repeat with thisClip = 1 to (the number of audioclips)
    put the short name of audioclip thisClip into \
       line (the number of lines of clipsList + 1) of clipsList
  end repeat
  return clipsList
end listOfAudioClips

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!

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