Queuing woes

Pierre Sahores psahores at easynet.fr
Thu Jun 19 18:23:00 EDT 2003

LK Hagen a écrit :
> I am running MC 2.4, and working on an app that sends off multiple url
> requests  to search engine in succession.  If I interrupt the process and
> start over, I inevitably get a "queued" message back from urlStatus(). the
> urlStatus() function currently resides inside the idle handler, so it's
> updated constantly.  If I quit and relaunch, however, and then use
> load url tURL
> everything works just fine again.  I have been careful to unload all urls.  Ny
> way of fixing this without quitting MC?
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Did you try to add an :

>if the shiftkey is down then 
>get url "" (or something like that, to be tested)
>end if

inside your "on idle" handler ?

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

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