php & wikis

David Bovill david at
Sat Jun 7 09:39:56 EDT 2003

> I have swiki installed on my server if you would like
> to try it. It has some nice features that many wikis
> do not have, such as : (1) the editing form includes a
> field to change the name of the page; (2) when you
> change it, the name of a page is replaced everywhere
> in the wiki, e.g. no broken links; (3) an automatic
> listing at the bottom of each page of the pages linked
> to the current page. I have been moving *away* from
> swiki, though, because it regularly froze my server,
> forcing me to reboot, notably when editing *long*
> pages.

Swiki has not moved apace with Zope development. The Wiki we are using /
developing was originally based on swiki, but we've added a proper object
model, so that you can access and change the data structures (wiki pages)
more flexibly.

It's got the features above, but also with "page (object) types" so you can
create different flavours of pages.

> In terms of usage, I am solidly anchored into *wiki*.
> As for R&D, in the short-term Im entirely focused on
> blogs. My blog plans are the following :
> 1. One MC-based blog client for blog-users ;
> 2. One MC-based blog client for blog-admins ;
> 3. One MC-based blog server.
> Any previous work done on any/all of the above that
> you could share with me/others would, therefore, be a
> great leap forward right now. Please act *immediately*
> so that I can avoid doing any un-necessary work..
> Pretty please, with a cherry on top. ;-)

Alain - I'll send you the old client... not sure it will be worth it as it
was developed as the guy from blogger first proposed the Xml-RPC interface
which I think will have moved on quite a way since then...

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