Thanks for your generous help.<br><br>
At 10:52 PM 1/27/03 +0000, you wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite>Ok, I've stripped out my 'extra'
bits for simplicity, so here goes...<br><br>
I've got a stack with a single button 'Start' and a field 'tfld'. <br>
In the start button the script is...<br><br>
on mouseup<br>
put "" into fld "tfld"<br>
--kill any existing sockets (can be used for a stop button)<br>
get the OpenSockets<br>
repeat with c=1 to the number of lines in it<br>
close socket (line c of it)<br>
end repeat<br>
--start to accept connections<br>
accept connections on port 8181 with message
end mouseup<br><br>
on wRequest skt<br>
set the socketTimeoutInterval to 20000<br>
read from socket skt for 1 line<br>
put it into fld "tfld"<br>
close socket skt<br>
end wRequest<br>
I've then got a web page at
<a href="http://www.garyrathbone.net/revclick.htm" eudora="autourl">http://www.garyrathbone.net/revclick.htm</a><br>
Which consists of<br><br>
<div align="center"><img src="cid:" alt="6b6785.jpg"> <img src="cid:" alt="6b6a7d.jpg">
Click 'Start' on the stack. When the button (in this case an image) is<br>
clicked on the web page the Javascript tries to load a 'fake' image from ip<br> on port 8181. This is the stack on your local machine. The stack<br>
takes the 'request' in this case the string 'Hello World' (so you can<br>
actually pass parameters) and puts it in the field "tfld" (Obviously you can<br>
parse this etc....) The socket is then killed so the browser doesn't end up<br>
waiting. <br><br>
It's a bit of a cheat, but it works fine. It can be improved in just about<br>
every direction possible, but I hope it provides a start.<br><br>
Gary Rathbone<br><br>
use-revolution mailing list<br>
<a href="http://lists.runrev.com/mailman/listinfo/use-revolution" eudora="autourl">http://lists.runrev.com/mailman/listinfo/use-revolution</a> </blockquote>
|| Dave LeYanna ||<br>
|| Director IS ||<br>
|| Right to Life of Michigan ||<br>