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<html><head><style type="text/css"><!--
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--></style><title>Thumbnail of JPEG's photos</title></head><body>
<div>I posted a message without answer.</div>
<div>can someone help me please ??</div>
<div><font face="Courier New" size="+2" color="#000000">Hi,<br>
I'd like to show photo's in a fld<br>
the user chooses a folder with jpegs photos (on Mac OS X)<br>
thet's the script :<br>
on mouseUp<br>
answer folder "Choose the folder..."<br>
if it is empty then exit to top<br>
put it into tPathDossier<br>
put the defaultFolder into savedDefaultFolder<br>
set the defaultFolder to tPathDossier<br>
put the files into tFilesNames<br>
answer tFilesNames<br>
--delete line 1 of tFilesNames<br>
put the number of lines of tFilesNames into totLines<br>
put "1" into a<br>
put empty into tChars<br>
repeat totLines<br>
put a after tChars<br>
add "1" to a<br>
end repeat<br>
delete last char of tChars<br>
put tChars into fld "myThumbs"<br>
put "1" into a<br>
repeat for each line L in tFilesNames<br>
put the defaultFolder&"/"&L
into tImagePath<br>
set the imagesource of char a of fld
"myThumbs" to<br>
add "1" to a<br>
end repeat<br>
set the defaultFolder to savedDefaultFolder<br>
end mouseUp<br>
In the fld I get :<br>
"123" -- it is the number of files (3) in the chosen
folder !!!</font></div>
<div>What is wrong ??</div>
Yves COPPE<br>
Email : yvescoppe@skynet.be</div>