<TITLE>Re: PopUp Menus</TITLE>
Oooops. . . . I forgot to mention a post Jeanne wrote last month about this... The whole submenu thing falls apart with "Option" menu buttons. Use popup, or pulldown, or cascade or something else. And yes I worked for about an hour until I was smart enough to try a different button type.<BR>
>> <TT>At 12:42 PM -0700 10/16/2002, Yves Coppé wrote:<BR>
</TT>>><TT> I've created an option menu btn in mac OS X 10.1.5<BR>
</TT>>><TT> The menu is a list of item and some hierarchical subMenu Item<BR>
>><TT> Hierarchical menus in option menus aren't supported. (They sort of work on<BR>
</TT>>><TT> some platforms but not on others, and UI guidelines generally say they<BR>
</TT>>><TT> should not be used.)<BR>
</TT>>><TT> Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ <FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><U>jeanne@runrev.com</U></FONT></TT>