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How about week numbers, using the ISO8601 standard. Check them out here
<p><a href="http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/iso-time.html">A Summary of
the International Standard Date and Time Notation by Markus Kuhn</a>
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<br>Shao Sean wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>thought you guys (and girls =) might like to have
a pre-look at my next
<br>"object" i've been working on..
<p><a href="http://dark.unitz.ca/~shaosean/calendar.gif">http://dark.unitz.ca/~shaosean/calendar.gif</a>
<p>pretty obvious that it's a calendar.. the picture is from the previous
<br>and does not contain the "go today" feature.. i'm hoping to release
<br>first version in a couple of days (free and open code of course)
<p>the features the most current build has:
<br>- shows the current month (displays it at the top where it says 'Month,
<br>- can navigate to the previous/next month (can keep going until the
<br>function breaks)
<br>- handles leap years
<br>- clickable dates (will return the date clicked for developer's to
do stuff
<br>- handles foreign languages and european dates (all text is displayed
in the
<br>language settings of the system)
<br>- ability to 'jump' back to today
<p>features to add:
<br>- better hiliting of today's date and clicked date
<br>- ability to 'jump' between months/years without having to click
<br>previous/next multiple times
<br>- auto-updating of "today's date"
<p>if anyone can think of anything else to add, please feel free to write..
<br>use-revolution mailing list
<br><a href="http://lists.runrev.com/mailman/listinfo/use-revolution">http://lists.runrev.com/mailman/listinfo/use-revolution</a></blockquote>