New horizons for me...

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Mon Oct 7 10:57:40 EDT 2024

I wrote to Dar off-list, since by now he's unsubscribed.

But I did want to thank you for your participation in the candy distribution during the talk Ken and I gave on code style. 

I've lost count of how many talks I've given at conferences over the years, but that one is a story I still tell.

The candy selection was quite good, the fun-size packs perfect for a weekend on the go. If you ever wish to toss candy my way at a conference I'll welcome it just as much as Ken and I enjoyed that batch in Monterrey. :)

Richard Gaskin

Jacque wrote:

> Dar, I missed you while you were gone and was so happy to see you back.
> Now I'll miss you again.
> I'll never forget our proudest moment when Andre, you, and I pelted
> Richard Gaskin with candy on stage while he was giving his presentation
> on Hungarian notation variables, and we were screaming "Leave our
> variables alone! Keep your hands off our variables!". You said you
> couldn't find any tomatoes so you bought red candy instead. It was
> hilarious.
> Truth to tell, Richard was right and I adopted his notation. But
> that doesn't detract from the moment.
> I'll miss your humor and kindness. Be well. And if you ever need
> an untouched water glass in the future I'll give you mine again.
> Jacque

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