WebDeployHelper tool - the LC10 web app toolbox

Curry Kenworthy curry at pair.com
Sun May 19 07:52:51 EDT 2024


 > to build ALL my app for all platforms in one pass, and then being able
 > to build again without having to quit and relaunch would be nice.

Yes, LC should build standalones in one pass/again without issues...

And so should you! That is largely BY CHOICE -

Not using my workaround code to close your library/etc stacks, any that 
were announced/ID'd in subsequent dialogs after 1st or 2nd build.


 > #3 could be web, if it wasn't a squirrel, too.

Compiler and web are both worthy examples; the important principle is to 
finish components and evaluate trends calmly, before coding with PASSION. :)

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Still gradually setting up AAC for a while, as my first priority...

(EVERYTHING I do requires it.)

Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy

Radically Innovative Christian LiveCode Development
"PASSION for Elegant, Efficient Code!"

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