UPDATE: filterArray()
Bob Sneidar
bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com
Fri May 17 17:44:25 EDT 2024
I wrote a filterArray() function with a couple dependencies a while ago which uses a memory sqLite database to convert an array to a database, query that database, then return the results as an array.
I have a new update to filterArray() which allows for a select clause. I found myself wanting to find the maximum value of a column, so I update the function. For an example lets say I wanted the maximum value for the serviceid key in a numbered array (tRecordsA). I could call it like this:
put empty into tConditions
put "max(serviceid) as serviceid" into tSelectClause
put filterArray(tRecordsA, tConditions, tSelectClause) into tFoundDataA
Since I do not need a where clause here, as tRecordsA only contains the data I want, but a where clause could also be defined. Here are the handlers if anyone is interested. If I missed any dependencies ley me know and I will pass those along as well.
Bob S
function filterArray pArrayDataA, pConditions, pSelectClause
put the defaultFolder & "/" & "tempdatabase.db" into tDBName
put arrayToSQLite(pArrayDataA, tDBName, "arraydata") into tDBID — uses dependency
if pSelectClause is empty then \
put "*" into pSelectClause
put "select " & pSelectClause & " from arraydata" into tQueryString
if pConditions is not empty then \
put " where" && pConditions after tQueryString
put revQueryDatabase(tDBID, tQueryString) into tCursorID
put cursorToArray(tCursorID) into tFilteredDataA — uses dependency
return tFilteredDataA
catch tError
return empty
end try
end filterArray
FUNCTION arrayToSQLite pArrayDataA, pDBFile, pDBName, pDBID, pBinaryColumns
put the keys of pArrayDataA into tArrayKeys
sort tArrayKeys numeric ascending
IF pDBFile is empty THEN put ":memory:" into pDBFile
IF pDBName is empty THEN put "arraydata" into pDBName
if pDBID is empty then \
put revOpenDatabase("sqlite", pDBFile) into pDBID
IF "Error" is in pDBID THEN
return empty
-- attempt to set the encoding
put "PRAGMA encoding = 'UTF-16'" into tSQL
revExecuteSQL pDBID, tSQL
-- attempt to drop the table
put "drop table " & pDBName into tDropSQL
revExecuteSQL pDBID, tDropSQL
put the result into tResult
CATCH tError
answer tError
IF the environment is "development" THEN exit to top ELSE quit
-- create the table
put "create table" && quote & pDBName & quote \
& cr into tCreateCommand
put "(" & quote & "recordid" & quote && "NUMERIC PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE, " \
& cr AFTER tCreateCommand
put the keys of pArrayDataA [1] into tRecordKeyList
filter lines of tRecordKeyList without "recordid"
REPEAT for each line tRecordKey in tRecordKeyList
if pArrayDataA [1] [tRecordKey] is an array or \
pArrayDataA [1] [tRecordKey] begins with "Salted__" then
put "BLOB" into tColumnType
put VARCHAR into tColumnType
end if
put quote & tRecordKey & quote && tColumnType & "," && cr AFTER tCreateCommand
delete char -3 to -1 of tCreateCommand
put ")" AFTER tCreateCommand
revExecuteSQL pDBID, tCreateCommand
put the result into tResult
IF tResult is not 0 THEN breakpoint
CATCH tError
put 1 into tRecordCounter
put "recordid" & cr & tRecordKeyList into tColumns
repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines of tColumns
put ":" & i into item i of tColumnList
end repeat
put "(" & tColumnList & ")" into tColumnList
-- insert data
REPEAT for each line tKey in tArrayKeys
put 1 into tColumnCounter
put pArrayDataA [tKey] into tRecordDataA
put tRecordCounter into tQueryDataA [1]
REPEAT for each line tRecordKey in tRecordKeyList
add 1 to tColumnCounter
if tRecordDataA [tRecordKey] is an array then
put arrayEncode(tRecordDataA [tRecordKey]) into tValue
put tRecordDataA [tRecordKey] into tValue
end if
put tValue into tQueryDataA [tColumnCounter]
put "insert into" && pDBName && "VALUES" && tColumnList into tInsertSQL
revExecuteSQL pDBID, tInsertSQL, "tQueryDataA"
put the result into tResult
if the result is not a number then breakpoint
CATCH tError
add 1 to tRecordCounter
return pDBID
END arrayToSQLite
FUNCTION cursorToArray pCursorID
put revNumberOfRecords(pCursorID) into tNumberOfRecords
if tNumberOfRecords = 0 then \
return empty
put revDatabaseColumnCount(pCursorID) into tColumnCount
put revDatabaseColumnNames(pCursorID) into tColumnNames
REPEAT forever
add 1 to tRecordCount
REPEAT with i = 1 to tColumnCount
put revDatabaseColumnNumbered(pCursorID, i) into tColumnValue
put tColumnValue into aCursorArray [tRecordCount] [item i of tColumnNames]
revMoveToNextRecord pCursorID
if revQueryIsAtEnd(pCursorID) then \
exit repeat
return aCursorArray
END cursorToArray
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