Supress Standalone Builder Warnings

Curry Kenworthy curry at
Sat May 4 05:10:19 EDT 2024

Thus, I'm pleased to have created the only (?) complete lower-code 
workaround for smooth standalone building, without needing to do ‘the 
dance’ to avoid LC purge dialogs, nor tweak many handlers. ;)

So here is the authentic tried-and-true workaround code again, with 
Comments Edited for stronger clarity versus hasty/casual reading!

Solved AND resolved, these 4 years –

But of course, needing ANY workaround for LC standalone building is just 
plain wrong!

That is awkward and a little creepy; it should indeed work right out of 
the box without ‘modifying code just to build’ as someone already said 
it well. I hope EVERYONE will encourage LC to fix this SB issue.

Meanwhile... Simplest way – In card 1 of main stack to build from:

on closestack
     --- curryk 2020 no-purge LC build:
     if the environment is "development" then
        lock messages
        --- and only if add'l loaded MAIN stacks with issues:
           # delete stack "ABC"
           # delete stack "XYZ" --- etc
        end try
     end if
end closestack

Of course, for a build workaround (or any LC work!) backup your stacks 
first, and don't mix/match methods without caution or ignore project 
setup. Read carefully to understand code and comments, and see ‘delete 
stack’ in LC reference.

Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy

Radically Innovative Christian LiveCode Development
"PASSION for Elegant, Efficient Code!"

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