use-livecode Digest, Vol 250, Issue 1

Niggemann, Bernd Bernd.Niggemann at
Sun Jul 28 15:10:04 EDT 2024

Hi David,

Here is a script that lets you compare filter operations on lists or arrays. With and without unicode.

put it into a button and make a field "fRes" and hold down the option/alt key to test unicode, else it is ASCII.

on mouseUp
   put 10000 into tHowMany
   -- hold down optionKey/altKey to use unicode
   put the optionKey is down into tUnicode
   if tUnicode then
      put "a horse is a horse,a chicken is a" &  \
            " Höfuðborgarsvæðið,a dog is a dog" into tData ## with unicode
      put "a horse is a horse,a chicken is a " &  \
            "chicken,a dog is a dog" into tData ## without unicode
   end if
   repeat  tHowMany
      put any item of tData & cr after tCollect
   end repeat
   delete char - 1 of tCollect
   put tCollect into tList
   put tCollect into tForArray
   if tUnicode then
      put the milliseconds into t1
      filter tList with "*Höfuðborgarsvæðið*" ## with unicode
      put the milliseconds - t1 into tListTime
      put the milliseconds into t1 ## include split
      split tForArray by return
      -- put the milliseconds into t1 ## without split
      filter elements of tForArray with "*Höfuðborgarsvæðið*" ## with unicode
      combine tForArray by return
      put the milliseconds - t1 into tArrayTime
      put the milliseconds into t1
      filter tList with "*dog*" ## without unicode
      put the milliseconds - t1 into tListTime
      -- put the milliseconds into t1 ## include split
      split tForArray by return
      put the milliseconds into t1 ## without split
      filter elements of tForArray with "*dog*" ## with unicode
      combine tForArray by return
      put the milliseconds - t1 into tArrayTime
   end if
   put "Unicode: " & tUnicode & ", Lines: " & tHowMany & cr & "List: " &  \
         tListTime & " ms" & cr & "Array: " & tArrayTime & " ms"  \
         & cr & the long time into field "fRes"
end mouseUp

Kind regards

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