I seem to have missed something

Graham Samuel livfoss at mac.com
Thu Jul 25 10:30:15 EDT 2024

I’m in roughly the same position as Bill. Long ago I wrote Livecode apps for sale,  but in the last several years I’ve just written a few personal apps, and have more or less stopped work, due mostly to old age. However I don’t like to say I’ve entirely given up as a hobbyist, and I was thinking of revisiting an app idea I had at the time of the pandemic - so I’m glad of Kevin’s reply.

At present I’m thinking about iOS apps and wonder how much help from Create I will get for deployment  - obeying all of Apple’s rules for the publication of an app (even a free one) into the public space. For me this part of app development proved far more of a PITA than the actual coding, and I know I will always need all the help I can get on this aspect. Maybe I missed it, but I am not clear what Create will offer.

My other use of Livecode scripting has been to use it as “IYSWIM” (“if you see what I mean”) modelling tool, where I get the logic straight before plunging into a relatively hostile coding environment (think the Apple Watch, which will never be covered by Livecode in any form). As far as I can see, I will be able to go on using versions of Classic for this, even if the become outdated over time. I’m glad about this.



> On 24 Jul 2024, at 17:53, Kevin Miller via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> Free apps remain free. Just buy one seat of either Native/Cloud or Universal depending on what platforms you want to deploy to. In your scenario, if you happen to be doing multiple platform development / deployment, it is cheaper.
> Kind regards, 
> Kevin 
> Kevin Miller ~ kevin at livecode.com <mailto:kevin at livecode.com> ~ http://www.livecode.com/
> LiveCode: Build Amazing Things 
> On 24/07/2024, 17:46, "use-livecode on behalf of William Prothero via use-livecode" <use-livecode-bounces at lists.runrev.com <mailto:use-livecode-bounces at lists.runrev.com> <mailto:use-livecode-bounces at lists.runrev.com> on behalf of use-livecode at lists.runrev.com <mailto:use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> <mailto:use-livecode at lists.runrev.com>> wrote:
> Thanks for the link.
> I have used livecode for years and since retiring, I only create educational, public service apps that I give away, or personal use apps that I use to manage my own needs. In the "Buy Create" page, I don't see any choice that reflects my own situation. Recently, I've spent a lot of time with WordPress, building web sites to support groups that interest me. I'm interested in the practicality of using livecode for websites, but the limitations of the past were more than I could accept. 
> So, is there still a place in the livecode community for a retired innovator with no commercial interests? I'm a hobbyist.
> Best,
> Bill
> William A. Prothero, PhD
> Prof Emeritus, Dept of Earth Science
> University of California, Santa Barbara

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