I seem to have missed something

Ludovic THEBAULT ludovic.thebault at laposte.net
Wed Jul 24 14:53:25 EDT 2024

> Le 24 juil. 2024 à 18:53, Kevin Miller via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> a écrit :
> Free apps remain free. Just buy one seat of either Native/Cloud or Universal depending on what platforms you want to deploy to. In your scenario, if you happen to be doing multiple platform development / deployment, it is cheaper.
> Kind regards, 
> Kevin 


A few questions :
If I take out a licence for the new software, what happens to the current subscription? Is it automatically cancelled?

According to the FAQ, you can continue to work ‘the old way’ until the new interface is finalised. Is Livecode 10 actually included in the new package? Or is it a new software that will offer a few new features like automatic backup and AI?

Will current plug-ins such as Datagrid helper be able to be used with the new software (at least in ‘classic’ mode)?



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