web/Happy 4th

Curry Kenworthy curry at pair.com
Wed Jul 3 08:45:23 EDT 2024

I've been wanting to say, with a slight delay...
Thanks for your comment - It's a great year for encouragement!

I hope everyone has a great week, and 4th!

Mark Smith:

 > My goodness Curry, how beautifully said. Thanks for sharing
 > your thoughts. It reminds me of a quote I saw recently, “Resilience
 > is my superpower”. Wishing everyone all the best in 2024.


 > What doesn’t kill us ... makes us awesome and mighty.
 > Life requires that faith and perseverance. Here’s hoping for a
 > great 2024 for all, whatever it holds, and an even BETTER 2025!

Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy

Radically Innovative Christian LiveCode Development
"PASSION for Elegant, Efficient Code!"

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