10.0.1rc3, building to iOS: Compulsory 18.1, strange splash screen

Ben Rubinstein benr at cogapp.com
Fri Dec 13 06:43:59 EST 2024

Hi Panos,

Thanks for replying.

Re the version of Xcode, I think I was giving too much detail, and this part 
is probably not relevant. I started working with 13.2, and only launched it 
(and caused it to auto-update) after encountering problems - but it probably 
made no difference to the problems (it was days ago, I can't recall exactly 
the sequence) so you're right if I hadn't had those issues I'd probably still 
be using Xcode 13.2 and it would probably be fine.

However, I think the mystery here (at least to me) is why I was unable to 
build, for iOS 15.2, until I had installed the iOS 18.1 simulator.

(The splash screen thing remains a mystery, but I think it will never be 
solved - and I can't reproduce it. The only property with an image was to the 
correct image I wanted. Somehow there is a method to make an animated sequence 
of splash screens!)

best regards,


On 13/12/2024 07:37, panagiotis merakos via use-livecode wrote:
> Hello Ben,
> Ok, so what you see RE Xcode happens because:
> - As of LC 10.0.1 RC-2, it is no longer required to have a specific version
> of Xcode / iOS SDK installed. LiveCode uses the one that is returned if you
> run this command in the Terminal: xcode-select -p
> - As of Xcode 15, the simulator runtimes come as a separate download - and
> one is required to download them if they want to use the simulator.
> So, if your existing Xcode 13.2 had not auto-updated to Xcode 16.1, LC
> would have picked this instead, and you would not be required to download
> any additional runtimes, since the simulator runtimes for this version were
> already bundled into the original download.
> Does that make sense?
> RE the splash screen issue, it seems that somehow the old splashscreen has
> made it into the standalone settings. I guess this does not happen with a
> brand new stack, is that correct? You can have a look at the custom
> properties of the "problematic" stack, and check the custom property set
> "cRevStandaloneSettings". If you find there any property related to splash
> screens, that its value is the path to the screenshot you see, delete it
> manually.
> Hope this helps.
> Kind regards,
> Panos
> --
> On Thu, 12 Dec 2024 at 21:00, Ben Rubinstein via use-livecode <
> use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>> It's been a long time since I tried to build an iOS app, I thought I'd try
>> to
>> get it all working again. Inspired by Panos' release notes, I downloaded
>> 10.0.1 (rc 3), so at least I wouldn't get the dreaded "Selected Xcode must
>> have..." message.
>> I checked the handy table at
>> https://livecode.com/resources/support/ask-a-question/ and confirmed that
>> at
>> least LC 10.0.0 (not 10.0.1) would work with Xcode 13.2 (which is what I
>> had)
>> on MacOS 13.4+ (I'm running 14.7) for iOS 15.2.  I also read again the
>> lesson
>> at
>> https://lessons.livecode.com/m/4069/l/565715-how-do-i-become-an-ios-developer,
>> which confirmed that LC 10.0.1 would work with any Xcode from 12.4 on.
>> After a few false starts, I decided to explicitly launch Xcode and check
>> it
>> was all running. Sneaky Apple! It automatically updated itself to 16.1!
>> However, it still shows that it has the 15.2 simulator, and indeed I can
>> launch the simulator.
>> However when I re-launch LC 10.0.1rc3, create a new stack with a single
>> control on it, set the standalone settings build for iOS, iPod and iPhone,
>> 15.0 or later; set the Test Target to iPhone Simulator 15.2, and click
>> Test,
>> the result is this message:
>>          Unable to build app for simulation: failed to create launch
>> screen: /*
>> com.apple.ibtool.errors */
>> /var/folders/y7/gddpm8ys0892ztpvq78knn2m0000gq/T/Temporaryltems/tmp.93209.5TVqiHma/
>> trashme.app/LaunchScreen.storyboard:
>>          error: iOS 18.1 Platform Not Installed.
>> I really don't want to build for iOS 18 - I only want to build an app for
>> my
>> own phone, which doesn't support 18.1 - but at this stage would be happy
>> if I
>> could just get to the next stage. So I installed iOS 18.0 Simulator from
>> the
>> Xcode Settings>Components window.
>> Same result.
>> Finally I went to Apple's dev site, and downloaded the 18.1 Simulator and
>> installed it from the command line.
>> Success! And it successfully built an app that launched on the 15.2
>> simulator;
>> and (after another couple of days, trawling through Panos' helpful
>> responses
>> on various forum postings etc) also on my phone running iOS 17.
>> So the first issue is why the 18.1 iOS Simulator is required, in order to
>> build for any other iOS version.
>> However, there is a remaining oddity; when the app launches, on the
>> simulator
>> or my real device, the splash screen is a cropped image of the dialog
>> bearing
>> the above message:
>> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/de06nj2fkxay6nsgb97qp/Screenshot-2024-12-12-at-18.38.03.png?rlkey=d70pjfg7msik4e5f9dsgl89zm&dl=0
>> How curious. At some point I thought, well what happens if I actually take
>> the
>> trouble to assign a splash screen? So I looked at the Standalone Settings,
>> and
>> it turned out that there was a file assigned for the Launch image, and in
>> fact
>> it was a screenshot I'd made of that dialog, while I was working through
>> the
>> issue.
>> Mystery solved I thought, perhaps at some point I carelessly assigned that
>> and
>> had forgotten about it by the time I finally got a working build. So I
>> deleted
>> it. Same result! Then I replaced it with another image.
>> Now when I launch the app, it first shows the picture of the error dialog,
>> then the newly selected launch image. If I delete the launch image, it
>> just
>> has the error dialog as splash screen. Replace with a different image, I
>> get
>> the two-stage splash as before; first the image of the error dialog, then
>> my
>> chosen image. (All this persists through quitting and relaunching LC, btw.)
>> Has anyone else seen something like this?
>> Ben
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