Error creating Android Standalone

panagiotis merakos merakosp at
Mon Aug 26 08:19:02 EDT 2024

Hello Klaus,

Ok I see.

Yes, so it seems you need to install a newer JDK version to work with the
terminal. So you need to do some JDK "dance":

- Download and install a newer (version >= 20.x) version of the Java JDK
- Verify it is installed correctly, by checking in
/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/ - you should see a subfolder named e.g.
"jdk-20.0.1.jdk" there.

- In the Terminal, navigate (using cd) to the folder containing your
resources (pepk.jar, foo.keystore)
- Try the terminal command now:

java -jar pepk.jar --keystore=foo --alias=foo

If the command is successful, you should see a file "" in that
folder, which you have to upload to the Play Store

Note: To verify that the Terminal will indeed use the new jdk version
rather than the "old" v8 one, you can do in the Terminal:

java -version

If this still returns v8, thn try to temporarily remove v8 from
/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/ and put it back once the terminal
command succeeds.

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,

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