LC Create Cloud advanced developer questions

Andreas Bergendal andreas.bergendal at
Fri Aug 16 05:19:42 EDT 2024

I have some questions to LC HQ on aspects of LC Create Cloud that I believe have not yet been discussed at all (unless I’ve missed something).

1) If several developers want to cooperate, is it then possible for multiple users to log in to the same project in LC Create Cloud? And if not possible now from the start, is it something that’s on the road map? 

2) Even if I’m a lone developer, I may want to make use of the work of others, like we've done so extensively in LC Classic. How can plugin stacks and helper tools made by others be implemented or accessed in my LC Create Cloud project? If I can’t have more than one stack open at the same time, it seems difficult to use such things.

Related to that, can I have my own "script repository” where I store script-only stacks or something, which all my projects can make calls to? Could I even share that repository so other developers can make calls to it? 

Wouldn’t it be very interesting if many general utility scripts could be made available in a similar way to how e.g. Python works, where you put ”import [library]” at the top of a script, and all the modules/handlers can then be accessed by the script?

All this can of course be done already in the sense that you can fetch any LC stack that’s been made available on a server and ”start using” it. But I think LC Create Cloud has the potential to offer such a feature in a more secure an accessible way - to everyone! Is this something you have considered?

3) Regardless of whether "multiple users per account" functionality will be there or not - will LC support staff be able to more easily provide support in LC Create Cloud by accessing projects (at the user’s request) and trouble-shoot or obtain bug documentation? I imagine it should facilitate things in that respect.


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