Cell colorization in a table in Livecode...

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com
Wed Aug 7 14:17:41 EDT 2024

On Aug 7, 2024, at 10:47 AM, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:

Now, our current problem is that there does not appear to be any tricks to having variable cell background colors in a Polygrid. Row colors: yes Alternate Row colors: Yes, Highlight color: Yes, possibly even highlighting different cell via the pgHilitedData property: maybe (haven't tested yet, but they'd all be 1 color).

I am not really familiar with the PolyList widget (vs PolyGrid). Has anyone figured out how to do a spreadsheet-like table in either the PolyGrid or PolyList with individual cell background coloring?

If not, I'll stick with the Datagrid and add a check for the columns x widths exceeding the 32K px threshold and just warn the researcher we can't handler that much data (which dings our product vs competition!)

Right. That has been the problem with widgets that are meant to replace native controls all along. They do not work the way the native controls work, and they don’t have the extensive property list that the native control had. Take the Custom Property Editor itself. It is actually uses a Tree List widget, which is fine except that there is this anooying need to click something you just edited again after it was already selected. The old Property Editor did not do that.

The Segmented Control was meant to replace the Tab Panel, but try setting the widths of the tabs using a comma separated list of integers and you will have issues.  I had to create buttons that I place over each tab “segment” and put it all in a group because the widget does not handle mouseUps. In fact, I do not think any widgets handle mouseUps! I could be mistaken.

Als while they look great, (the old Tab Panel lokked like warmed over dog cr*p on Windows) their options for modification via script are usually less than the native object they were meant to produce.

Bob S

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