Best way to convert color values

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Wed Aug 7 14:14:08 EDT 2024

Paul Dupuis wrote:

> I can always write a routine to convert RGB to Hex and Hex to RGB, but
> I am wondering if there is some clever trick in Livecode to do this.
> For example: answer color -- returns RGB, but the htmlText of a line
> wants <p bgcolor="#NNNNNN"> </p>

If the target of the htmlText is a LiveCode field, I don't know of a method built into the LC engine, but it's easy enough to script:

function RGBtoHex pColor
   repeat for each item tVal in pColor
      get baseConvert(tVal, 10, 16)
      if len(it) < 2 then put 0 before it
      put it after tHex
   end repeat
   return "#"& tHex
end RGBtoHex

If the target of the htmlText is a browser widget, the browser engine's built-in "rgb" CSS function can do this:

  <div style="background-color:rgb(130,30,230)"> Hello </div>

Richard Gaskin

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