Websockets ... again.

Richard Gaskin ambassador at fourthworld.com
Sat Apr 27 20:55:20 EDT 2024

Bernard Devlin wrote:

> One thing to bear in mind is that Livecode does not support secure sockets
> (despite what the Dictionary might say).

This is based on the Dictionary example for the "open socket" command. It runs without error, and the callback works. 

  on mouseup
     open secure socket to "livecodejournal.com:443"  \
        with message "wasConnected" without verification
     put it &cr& the result
  end mouseup

  on wasConnected
     put cr& the params after msg
  end wasConnected

I haven't taken the time to craft a more specific test, but perhaps you can describe what you encountered to help guide that.

Richard Gaskin

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