arrayToJSON not working in lcserver on Linux - resolved

Monte Goulding monte.goulding at
Sun Oct 29 21:07:22 EDT 2023

> On 30 Oct 2023, at 11:00 am, Neville Smythe via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
> I remain rather puzzled that the multi-dimensional array handlers were not embedded in the mergJSON C-code library in the first place by Monte or LC when they took it over. Blazing speed when communicating with javascript, which is where these calls would most likely be used particularly with LCServer, would seem to be imperative. Maybe the internal implementation of arrays was yet not settled? Whatever, a fix for this code lacuna would be nice, if unlikely to happen.

Hi Neville

There is no multi-dimensional array support in the externals API. If I were implementing mergJSON from scratch now I would use LCB and direct calls to Jansson. I don’t think we could just change mergJSON in a backwards compatible way unfortunately. I agree our server docs should detail the installation of any support libraries for included externals and it would likely be helpful if server had a built in extension loader so you can just put extensions in a folder near it.



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