I give up! Mac App Installer Hell

Dan Friedman dan at clearvisiontech.com
Fri Oct 6 18:44:22 EDT 2023

If you have a very, very, VERY good understanding of creating Mac installer files to be posted to a website for user install, and to submit to the Mac App Store, I would like to pay you to walk me through all this - step by step.  I can’t take any of more this crap!  Certificates, Identifiers, Profiles, p12 Files, Keys (public and private), Provisioning, Installer keys… GRRRR!!!  I have an app that is tested, built and ready to go.  Just need to get it signed and uploaded to Apple.   If you understand all this, I would think a 20 minute Skype call should get it done.

FYI… This is an update to an existing app that is already in the app store.  (Don’t ask me how I got it done last time?!).  I don’t know why my brain can’t grasp this…. I have read Apple’s documentation, tried the (out of date) LC Lesions, watched videos, and gone through article after article.   At this point, I am not really interested in learning how to do this… I just want to get it done.

Save me!

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