resizeControl wishes...

Paul Dupuis paul at
Thu Nov 30 16:34:12 EST 2023

On 11/30/2023 2:20 PM, Brian Milby via use-livecode wrote:
> Groups get the message when resize happens by script.
> Other objects only receive the message when resized by hand.
> Brian Milby
> brian at

Except, the "PowerButton" widget actually receives "resizeControl" just 
as a group does when its rect is changed by script control (as well as 
by user manipulation of its resize handles). So it *is* inconsistent. 
Or, at the very least, poorly documented.

And, for my purposes, if the PowerButton can received a resizeControl 
handler, I'd really like to see the PDF widget get the message also. The 
XPDF external requires, as its target for a drawing area, a Graphic 
inside a Group, and the containing group gets resizeControl. You can use 
that resizeControl to show/hide scrollbars as appropriate based on zoom; 
set the scroll to keep a highlighted part of the PDF in view when 
resized; and more. For a migration path from the XPDF External to the 
PDF Widget, the PDF Widget should support resizeControl as well.

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