resizeControl wishes...

Paul Dupuis paul at
Thu Nov 30 13:50:23 EST 2023

Thank you Richard.

I see what the issue for me was. Groups do indeed receive a 
resizeControl message automatically if the rect is changed by script. 
However, the message (resizeControl) use seems inconsistent. For 
example, while a group does received the resizeControl message, a field 
does not seem to. Also, what I specifically ran into was that the PDF 
Widget does not received a resizeControl handler (and it would be really 
useful if it did!)

I'll submit an enhancement request (below) for adding resizeControl to 
the PDF Widget (assuming it's possible), but I don't have the time to 
determine what widgets support resizeControl and which don't and what LC 
objects (other than groups) support resizeControl and which don't.

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