Top things you are waiting for ....
Christer Pyyhtiä
christerp1 at
Sun Nov 12 12:42:25 EST 2023
Many thanks for your views!
I think this discussion is very useful in terns of both understanding what is needed looking forward as well as making the current framework quality.
Looking back where most of the time was used was trying to learn the very basics making your application work in a scalable environment of multiple, up to thousands of users, maintaining quality and support. There simply is not enough time to learn how basic things work instead of fulfilling the request making your application delivering its supposed value to its users.
As I sated in my wish list was to make the LiveCode environment clear and precise documented ways how to work with the required environments, mainly the device OS’s, LiveCode server, app delivery frameworks (Google and Apple, maybe others). It took me far too much time to find out all these details, like for example asynchronous payment schemes and licensing etc. A detailed documentation available would helped a lot of time to concentrate improving the value of the app to its potential users.
Still kicking around if to continue the job. As of today, there still seems to be market opportunity for a knowledge based application - not killed by the AI ones.
Christer Pyyhtiä
christerp1 at
> On 12. Nov 2023, at 19.09, Martin Koob <mkoob at> wrote:
> Hi christerp
> In the past the LC HQ had an initiative where they asked LC developers to submit a list their top ten bugs they needed to be addressed. They collated that list which they used to set the agenda for a team focus to pare down the list of outstanding bugs. I understood that this was to be done again at some point but I think their focus for the past year has been on LC 10.x and LiveCode Create and which is an important initiative too. As any of us who write software know, things take more effort and time than you estimate. Even if you used the Scotty principle to create the estimate.
> Regarding having a way to register the requests for new features you can create an Enhancement Request on the LiveCode Quality web site
> That way they have an ID and URL you can reference and share with other LiveCode Developers. Furthermore, other LC users and the LiveCode team can discuss the new feature in the comments that follow the initial post. There is not an opportunity to vote up or down Bugs or Enhancement requests but you can add yourself to the cc list. In a sense that is an unofficial poll on the degree of interest in the feature. You can also voice your support for the feature in the comments and explain your use cases and how that would help you achieve what you are trying to accomplish. (You may get advice from other users or the LC Team on other ways to accomplish what you are aiming to do but that is good too.)
> Posting an enhancement request also puts your idea on the development team’s radar as they are reviewed by Panos and periodically reported to the team. There should be some sort of initial response from LiveCode staff.*
> Anyway an enhancement request I have is to be able to have graphics or text visible above the player while it plays. So to follow my own advice I have posted a feature request on
> Its ID in the database is "Bug 24402”
> Its URL is ""
> I am not sure whether I or someone else has posted this before. I think if Tom Glod’s request "3. integrated layering of native controls” was implemented it may resolve my request as well.
> In any case as I filled out the summary filed on the ‘new request’ form of the the site it should have displayed reports that were potentially similar bugs. It did not do that at all this time which was odd. I should have searched for some terms in my request to see if mine is a duplicate before posting but just to get it off my todo list now I posted without doing that. I can check that later and if I find a duplicate I can note the ID of the Duplicate Report mark my report as a duplicate of another report and enter the ID of the duplicate linking my report with that one. Panos may beat me to doing that when he reviews the post.
> Anyway let me know what you think of that request and if you post your features on please share them in this thread as Tom has asked.
> Thanks Tom for starting this discussion.
> Martin Koob
> * Panos or others on the LiveCode development team please correct me if I have said anything wrong about using the LiveCode Quality website and the process that new issues or requests are triaged and responded to.
>> On Nov 12, 2023, at 10:04 AM, christerp1 via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
>> Wow! Now, guys it is time to make a move! The key is to get this feedback registered and - a bit organized.So much good feedback from us all, how could it be served? Get to know what great ideas to create apps and what is needed.It is to be undrrstood that making a succesdful app and to the largest target group possible needs a supported process, releasing many of us taclking stupid problems.The key is to help us all making a spec of an idea for a system and help us to understan if it is worth while. If yes, how to invest and make it hapoen.Best regardschristerp1 at from my mobile
>> -------- Original message --------From: Paul Dupuis via use-livecode <use-livecode at> Date: 12/11/2023 15.20 (GMT+02:00) To: use-livecode at Cc: Paul Dupuis <paul at> Subject: Re: Top things you are waiting for .... On 11/12/2023 3:42 AM, jbv via use-livecode wrote:> My top priority : "rev" libraries (revXML, revZIP, perhaps others) to > be fully Unicode compatible.I'll add the shell() function, which is not Unicode compatible on Windows ( mailing listuse-livecode at lists.runrev.comPlease visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription preferences:
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