Property Inspector bug for keys with commas in the key name

Paul Dupuis paul at
Fri Nov 3 16:21:03 EDT 2023

Hi Bernd,

You do make a good point about the documentation regarding custom 
properties. Assuming people read the documentation. At the same time, 
you used to be able to use commas in custom property names. As Curry 
noted, Livecode even used to use them in the standalone setting 
properties, so the mothership set a precedence.

My problem is that I have stacks where commas were used because they 
could be used and there was value to using them as evidenced by how 
Livecode used them in the standalone settings. Now I can only edit them 
via scripts rather than the current PI.

It's not really a problem since I can do updates by script. It is more 
of just an annoyance.

Knowing that the current issue if the hilitedElement of the tree view 
object, I won't bother trying to look for any quick fix I could make to 
the PI code in the IDE. Thanks for the information.

On 11/3/2023 2:29 PM, Niggemann, Bernd via use-livecode wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> The problem with the comma in a customproperty name in the Properties Inspector (PI) arises because the PI uses a treeview to display the customproperties. More specifically the "hilitedElement" to retrieve the current selection and "hilitedElement" has the form:
> "A comma delimited list of array keys."
> Now you have a comma in your customproperty name and at that point the PI is confused as to what is the key and what is the value and fails to display both.
> However I wonder if treeview or PI is to blame:
> Page 145 of "Livecode User Guide" 9.6.10
> Custom Property Names
> The name of a custom property must consist of a single word and may contain any combination of letters, digits, and underscores (_). The first character must be either a letter or an underscore.
> Page 113 of "Revolution User Guide 2.0" printed edition from 2004
> Custom Property Names
> The name of a custom property must consist of a single word and may contain any combination of letters, digits, and underscores (_). The first character must be either a letter or an underscore.
> So I am afraid that treeview could not expect a comma in a customproperty name.
> Kind regards
> Bernd
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