opencard and visual effect

Jim Lambert jiml at
Thu May 4 13:35:36 EDT 2023

> you may have missed this in my last posting:


Indeed I did.


P.S. Another possibility you could also fake a transition. Then start your timer in the openCard handler of your destination card. 

In starting card:

on fakeTransition
	lock screen
	import snapshot from rectangle (the rect of next card) of next card
	put it into tempImage
	set the blendlevel of tempImage to 100
	unlock screen

	repeat with x = 100 down to 0 step -10
		set the blendlevel of tempImage to x
		wait 10 ticks with messages
	end repeat

	lock screen
	delete tempImage
	go next
end fakeTransition

In destination card:

on openCard
end openCard

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