PDF widget and XPDFviewer

Paul Dupuis paul at researchware.com
Sat Jun 17 16:08:59 EDT 2023

I think the answer is complex. They are not the same thing, but 
eventually, the widget will replace the external. The current issue is 
that the widget is lacking some features the external has, so, if, (like 
us) you PDF work is based on the external, migrating to the widget is 
not possible (depending on features used) until the widget has the same 
features (or equivalent). If the widget will do all the PDF things you 
need to do, use it. If it does not, you will probably find those 
features with the external and need to use that. If what you want to do 
can be done in either, then use the widget.

Paul Dupuis

On 6/17/2023 1:39 PM, David Epstein via use-livecode wrote:
> What is the relation between the widget “PDF” and the external “XPDFViewer” (both in Pro Features)?  The latter offers more direct access to a few properties (e.g., totalCharacterCount), while the widget syntax is a little simpler.  It does not appear that a PDF widget is a PDF Viewer, at least the widget’s name is not recognized as the name of a viewer when I try to call a function like XPDFViewer_Get(viewerName,property).
> So do I need either to create a widget or create a viewer?  And are there non-obvious reasons to do one or the other?
> David Epstein
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