Has anyone experimented with using Python within LC?

Alan Stenhouse alanstenhouse at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 21 21:36:01 EDT 2023

Hi Geoff

Sorry for not replying earlier but looks like you've got it sorted. I did a bit on this years ago and am contemplating it again. Just looked for my old stack and see this script for running a python script and putting the output into the "output" fld:

on runPythonScript pScript
   put the tempname &".py" into tFile
   put pScript into URL ("binfile:" & tFile)
   put shell("<path_to_python>" && tFile) into fld "output"
end runPythonScript

Was starting to provide an interface for experiment parameters for the scripts I was running (for some Turi ML classifications) but the project paused...


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