Training the AI to write better LiveCode
Mike Kerner
MikeKerner at
Fri Jan 13 10:30:41 EST 2023
"AI" has always been a misleading term, for like 40 years.
gawd, i'm old.
There is pattern matching, tree traversals, bayesian probability, etc.
it's definitely not anything like a wiki.
it might just be helpful at slogging out a lot of the code that we have to
write or include by hand, especially if you are trying to tackle something
new, especially for code that isn't neatly organized and instantly
but, it's also not amazing and mature, either. we can be both surprised at
the program a ten-year-old writes, and recognize that it's...not amazing.
On Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 5:50 AM Kevin Miller via use-livecode <
use-livecode at> wrote:
> Its far more than a search engine. It can edit copy, write articles and
> analyse multiple inputs for similarities and differences and a lot more.
> Like all such new technologies this is going to be here to stay. So its not
> a case of trying not to train it in order to preserve programmer jobs.
> There will be plenty left for a human to do in building an app, we are just
> going to get more productive as this gets better. What is important is
> ensuring that LiveCode, which is supported already, is not left behind and
> that you can generate LiveCode code at the same standard as other
> languages. At present its coding abilities in any language are interesting
> but a bit ropy, lets ensure that as it gets better as it inevitably will,
> its LiveCode skills improve too.
> Kind regards,
> Kevin
> Kevin Miller ~ kevin at ~
> LiveCode: Build Amazing Things
> On 12/01/2023, 17:45, "use-livecode on behalf of harrison--- via
> use-livecode" <use-livecode-bounces at <mailto:
> use-livecode-bounces at> on behalf of
> use-livecode at <mailto:use-livecode at>>
> wrote:
> ChatGPT has been called a search engine without the search engine.
> I would tend to agree with that. It seems to find bits and pieces of code
> or articles that others have written before and tries to put them together.
> It uses a text typing output mode to give it the appearance of an
> intelligence/person typing at the keyboard, but that is part of the
> illusion.
> ChatGPT claims that it isn’t connected to the internet, but it is, or it
> wouldn’t
> be able to respond to your questions over the internet. The database
> that it accesses for answers is however compartmentalized, as far as
> we have been told.
> If by some miracle we were able to train it to be super intelligent at
> writing computer code, do we as programmers really want to shoot
> ourselves in the foot by giving it the tools to replace our talent?
> That’s food for thought. Just because something may be technologically
> possible, doesn’t mean we should necessarily do that thing.
> Just my two cents.
> Enjoy your day!
> Rick
> > On Jan 12, 2023, at 9:02 AM, Mike Kerner via use-livecode <
> use-livecode at <mailto:use-livecode at>>
> wrote:
> >
> > yesterday was not a good session for me. all responses were irrelevant,
> and
> > sometimes seemed random.
> > we'll see what we find, the next time.
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