On mobile: mergAVRequestMediaAccess "video" and androidRequestPermission "android.permission.CAMERA"

Klaus major-k klaus at major-k.de
Tue Feb 28 10:49:37 EST 2023

Hi Mike,

> Am 28.02.2023 um 16:14 schrieb Mike Kerner via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com>:
> this isn't an uncommon problem.

ah, I guessed thanks for the confirmation.

> what other apps on ios do is throw up a separate dialog that directs the
> user to Settings->Privacy and Security->whatever (in your case, both
> "Camera" and "Microphone"), and tells the user to return to try again when
> that setting is changed.

So you mean the user can set these options AFTER my app does not show 
the dialog anymore and the app will work again as intended? Is that correct?

And with "direct the user..." that you mean show a longer ANSER dialog 
explaining the neccessary steps. Right?

Sounds like a very clever idea, never thought (knew) about that, thanks a lot!
I'm still quite new to cellphones/tablets in general to be honest.

> On Tue, Feb 28, 2023 at 8:46 AM Klaus major-k via use-livecode <
> use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>> Hi friends,
>> I have a mobile app which is meaningless if the user does not allow access
>> to the camera!
>> Basically it is a companion to a game with printed cards, and on these
>> cards are QR-codes.
>> The app (the user) will then scan the code, the app will play a sound of
>> an animal and the user
>> has to guess the name of the animal.
>> Here two questions:
>> 1. To "force" users to allow camera access I annoy them by issuing:
>> -> mergAVRequestMediaAccess "video"
>> resp.
>> -> androidRequestPermission "android.permission.CAMERA"
>> directly when the app starts and then I check if we have the permission
>> every time the user clicks on
>> "go to QR scan card" and issue the above dialog again until the user
>> finally allows or clicks
>> "Don't ask again" (Android) in that dialog. Then it is their own fault.
>> However on iOS the "Allow camera access" will only appear ONCE when the
>> app starts and then
>> never again!? No matter how often I issue -> mergAVRequestMediaAccess
>> "video"
>> Is this a bug or a feature of MergAV?
>> The OS will memorize the setting, so after a new start of the app, NO
>> "allow camera access"
>> dialog will ever show up again and that applies to iOS as well as to
>> Android.
>> So this leads me to question:
>> 2. Does anybody has a clever idea how to handle this situation?
>> Once the user clicks "Don't allow" for whatever reason and quits the app,
>> he/she will never see this
>> dialog again and needs to deinstall and install the app again to finally
>> allow camera access
>> This is of course a terrible user experience, but what option do we have
>> in that case?
>> Know what I mean?



Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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