tsneterr: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL

matthias_livecode_150811 at m-r-d.de matthias_livecode_150811 at m-r-d.de
Sun Dec 17 06:45:00 EST 2023

Hello Klaus.

please see the example below. In my example i am posting a zip file with images to a livecode server script

Livecode script

on mouseup
   answer file "Select zip file..."
   if it is empty then exit to top
   put "<file>" & it into tArchive
   if libUrlMultiPartFormData(tForm,"Archive", tArchive) is not empty then
      altlog the long system time & " - error:" & it
      set the httpHeaders to line 1 of tForm 
      altlog the long system time & " - Upload gestartet"
      post line 2 to -1 of tForm to url "https://MYSERVER.COM/upload_bilder.lc"
      put it into  postResult
      set the httpHeaders to empty
      switch postResult
         case   postResult begins with "Bildupload fehlgeschlagen" is true
         ## your script for upload error
         case  postResult begins with "Bildupload okay" is true
         ## your script for successful upload
    	end switch
   end if
end mouseup 

Livecode Server script

set the errorMode to "inline"
-- check for errors
if $_Files["Archive"][error] is not empty
	-- this output will be used as return value by the mouseup script
		put "Upload-Fehler"  
		put the long system time && "- Upload-Fehler - " & $_files["Archive"][error] &return after URL "file:uploaderror.txt"
		put $_Files["Archive"][name] into tFileName
       -- check if the correct file was uploaded
	 -- in our case we always  upload a file with same name
	  if tFileName= "bilder_ohne_logo.zip" 
		-- this output will be used as return value by the mouseup script
			put "Bildupload okay"
			-- here comes the script for processing the uploaded file....
			-- e.g.
			put URL ("binfile:"&tFilename) into URL ("binfile:/home/xxxxxx/public_html/bilder_ohne_logo.zip")			
			exit to top
		end if

I hope there is no error in my example. I simplified my original code for the above example.

In my original version the complete upload and the processing of the uploaded file is automatic w/o user interaction. 
The desktop app creates a zip file and posts that zip file to a Livecode Server script which just handles the upload and then returns a success or failure.
According to the upload script my standalone then calls another script on the server for further processing.



> Am 17.12.2023 um 10:18 schrieb Klaus major-k via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com>:
> Hi Matthias,
>> Am 16.12.2023 um 23:29 schrieb matthias rebbe via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com>:
>> Hello Klaus,
>> You could try to post the data as a file  to the server. There is an array $_files in Livecode server available, which handles the file uploads.
> ah, sounds promising, thank you! :-)
> I wanted to post the list directly from an LC field, but can surely store its content to a temp file.
> But how is the syntax in my case?
> ...
> put clean_name(tSetlist) into tDateiname 
> ## = filename on server
> ## put "whatever" & CR & urlencode(fld "setlist") into tInhalt
> put "https://www.MYSERVER.de/setlists.lc?name=" & tDateiname & "&setlist=" & url("file:" & path to file") into tURL #?
> ## Nothing in the dictionary about this
> ...
>> Regards,
>> Matthias
> Best
> Klaus
> --
> Klaus Major
> https://www.major-k.de
> https://www.major-k.de/bass
> klaus at major-k.de
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