Which is faster...

Paul Dupuis paul at researchware.com
Fri Dec 15 10:53:42 EST 2023

And that is THE DEFINITIVE answer!

Wow! Thank you.

On 12/15/2023 10:00 AM, Mark Waddingham via use-livecode wrote:
> On 2023-12-14 21:22, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode wrote:
>> Which is faster or more efficient (from an engine performance 
>> perspective)?
>> To retrieve an array from a property?
>> As in:
>> command someHandler -- in an objects script
>>   get the cMyArray from me -- cMyArray is some multi-dimensional array
>>   ...
>> end someHandler
>> OR
>> To retrieve an array from a script local variable?
>> As in:
>> local sMyArray -- script local variable in some objects script
>> command someHandler -- in an objects script
>>   get sMyArray
>>   ...
>> end someHandler
>> Anyone know?
> Fetching a value directly from a variable will always be faster than 
> any other method - as it essentially reduces to fetching or storing a 
> value from a (integer indexed) table.
> In contrast, fetching a custom property will require a message send 
> unless lock messages is set, and then an array lookup (to actually get 
> the property's value).
> Custom property sets are stored using the same data structure 
> internally as livecode arrays so getting `the cMyArray of me` 
> eventually reduces to the same as 
> objectsCurrentPropertySet["cMyArray"] - the latter lookup is more work 
> than just fetching a value from an internal table.
> Fetching a value directly from a variable is a constant time operation.
> If lock messages is false, then the time it takes to fetch a custom 
> property value will be somewhat proportional to the length of the 
> message path from the point of view of the object you are accessing - 
> i.e. how many frontscripts, backscripts, stacks in use, and parent 
> objects/behaviors the object has.
> If lock messages is true, then the time it takes to fetch a custom 
> property value will be pretty much the same as doing an LC array key 
> lookup.
> Now whether or not this actually matters in any one case will largely 
> depend on how often such access is being done - if its a few times in 
> the context of UI-related code then it probably won't be appreciable; 
> if, however, you are fetching a custom property 100000's of times in a 
> tight loop and the rest of the loop is only doing small amounts of 
> work, you'll definitely notice a difference.
> ```
> on mouseUp
> local sMyArray
> on mouseUp
>    set the cMyArray of me to [ 1, 2, 3 ]
>    put empty
>    local tTime
>    put the milliseconds into tTime
>    repeat 1000000 times
>       get the cMyArray of me
>    end repeat
>    put "CUSTOM PROP:" && the milliseconds - tTime & return after msg
>    put the milliseconds into tTime
>    lock messages
>    repeat 1000000 times
>       get the cMyArray of me
>    end repeat
>    unlock messages
>    put "CUSTOM PROP (LOCKED OUTSIDE):" && the milliseconds - tTime & 
> return after msg
>    put the milliseconds into tTime
>    repeat 1000000 times
>       lock messages
>       get the cMyArray of me
>       unlock messages
>    end repeat
>    put "CUSTOM PROP (LOCKED INSIDE):" && the milliseconds - tTime & 
> return after msg
>    local tMyProps
>    put [ 1, 2, 3 ] into tMyProps["cMyArray"]
>    put the milliseconds into tTime
>    repeat 1000000 times
>       get sMyArray["cMyArray"]
>    end repeat
>    put "ARRAY ELEMENT:" && the milliseconds - tTime & return after msg
>    put the milliseconds into tTime
>    lock messages
>    repeat 1000000 times
>       get sMyArray
>    end repeat
>    unlock messages
>    put "SCRIPT LOCAL:" && the milliseconds - tTime & return after msg
> end mouseUp
> end mouseUp
> ```
> RESULTS (1 million iterations):
> The above results are run in the IDE which is important to mention 
> because the message path in the IDE is typically longer than that in 
> standalones (as the all extension libraries are loaded, and the IDE 
> inserts its own front/back/stacks into the message path).
> Accessing custom properties with messages locked is nearly 10x faster 
> than without (again that multiplier will be vary with the length of 
> the message path).
> Using lock/unlock messages for every custom property access has a 
> (quite negligible) 10% overhead - and the message path overhead (in 
> the IDE) is about 40% of the total (the array element fetch will be 
> the rest).
> Accessing a script local is
>   - about 50x faster than accessing a custom property when messages 
> are sent
>   - about 3x faster than accessing a custom property when messages are 
> not sent
>   - about 2x faster than accessing an array element
> Just to reiterate - these figures are for 1,000,000 accesses done in a 
> tight loop (in the IDE). If you do it for (say) 1000 iterations then 
> the differences are within the margin of error of measuring a 
> millisecond.
> Overall, my suggestion would be probably to do a combination of both - 
> if you are only reading from a custom property in a given loop, but 
> are doing so multiple times for the same property (and the loop 
> actually has a very high number of iterations!) then fetch into a 
> local variable before the loop and then use that value (the same, to 
> be fair, is true of calling functions which return fixed values and 
> accessing array elements - especially ones on paths longer than one).
> Hope this helps,
> Mark.

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