Creating 'read only' text files

David V Glasgow dvglasgow at
Sun Apr 30 07:35:34 EDT 2023

Hi folks,

Really simple question that I can’t see having been asked before, so here goes…

I have a stack that outputs small text files.  Each includes a hash value referencing part of itself that can be checked subsequently, so any change to the text can be flagged.  

Is there a way I can easily create read-only files (Mac & Win) to discourage accidental user changes?  No need for encryption or hiding information anywhere, I just want to deter casual oopsies.

Thanks in anticipation...

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Honorary Professor, Nottingham Trent University
Sexual Offences, Crime and Misconduct Research Unit
Consultant Forensic & Clinical Psychologist
Carlton Glasgow Partnership
Director, Child & Family Training, York

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