Problem signing Android app

Klaus major-k klaus at
Wed Apr 12 08:17:05 EDT 2023

Hi all,

I created a new app and cannot sign it!?

I did this:
-> Generate an upload key and keystore
and generated a *.jks file.

Then I selected this key file in LC, and at the end of the signing process
LC told me that the keystore file had the wrong format!?

Then I renamed the key to *.keystore
And LC told me again that this was the wrong format of the key file?

What am I missing?
Thank you for any hint!

I had published my earlier app successfully to the Google Play Store with a selfsigned key in "Android Studio" as shown in:

When I later wanted to upload an update, Google told me that I did not use the correct key for signing???
So I read up everthing about this and came to create an UPLOAD key, so I could use this later for any further 
updates of the app. 

However that failed so far, see above...


Klaus Major
klaus at

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