How to extract a video clip...

Phil Davis phil at
Sun Mar 20 02:23:28 EDT 2022

Hi Paul,

Your app doesn't have to install ffmpeg on the user's system - your app 
can run it from where it resides in your app's bundle. (Just reference 
it in your command line using its full path, not just 'ffmpeg'.)

Phil Davis

On 3/19/22 12:18 PM, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode wrote:
> On 3/19/2022 2:55 PM, Matthias Rebbe via use-livecode wrote:
>> You could use ffmpeg for this.
>> Here‘s a post where it is described how to do it
> I have (and still am) considering ffmpeg. It was what I was alluding 
> to with the mention of a command line utility called by shell() in my 
> original post. To bundle the macOS (~35mb) and Windows (~77mb) adds 
> that size (or that compressed) to my Standalone, so my app can install 
> it on the users system (I have the sort of computer novice customers 
> that you do NOT want to ask to download additional software of). 
> That's not too bad a size increase as my App sits at about 200-230mb 
> currently.
> Still, I asked the USE-LIST as you never know whether some one out 
> there has made a widget that could just be part of the standalone app 
> or someone knows of a clever technique or a smaller utility
> Thank you.
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Phil Davis

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