[ANN] SpreadLib ordering is back online

Curry Kenworthy curry at pair.com
Wed Mar 9 15:53:20 EST 2022

The SpreadLib order page is back up:


This is NOT a new version! Just the "store restored"
after going offline when eSellerate died.
(I've marked the price down a bit, though, at SendOwl.)

We have a MUCH newer private release made for 2020,
but COVID nuked my productivity those last two years,
so it never got the License keys for a public release.

That's a priority this year, therefore....

Here's the SpreadLib for 2022 Plan:

- Public release during Summer.
- New backend integration for more frequent updates.
- Newer Mac improvements.
- Multi-sheet handling.
- Updated and expanded Documentation.
- Many more improvements done before 2020.

(Meanwhile, WordLib is first in line again,
with a minor version coming up around Easter
for supercharged MS Word Comments.)

Happy coding! More news soon....

Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy

SpreadLib: Excel files to LC fields in 1 script line!
"Excel-lent spreadsheet import and export for LiveCode"

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