
Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Wed Jun 22 12:02:10 EDT 2022

Tom Glod wrote:

 > Hello Richard, thanks for the detailed answer.
 > There are 2 reasons why I am considering this.
 > 1. I can skip the encoding and decoding from and to json.
 > 2. it supports binary, and does not require base encoding and its
 > 33% inflation.
 > For interoperability for the users, JSON is the way to go for sure.
 > But for throughput between the UI Layer and "background service" I
 > would love a way to just skip all the extra steps and send the
 > serialized array to be unserialized into an array or map directly.
 > I was hoping this was easy.

If you don't need interoperability with non-LiveCode systems, the choice 
couldn't be easier: LSON is the LC way.

But if you don't need interoperability, you wouldn't need to write a 
parser, since LC includes a good one built into the engine.

What did I miss?

 > I may ask you for your notes in the future, after I have a chat with
 > Kevin and Mark about it.

If you're talking with Mark you won't need my notes. He knows a thing or 
two about LC's array formats. :)

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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